
Noodles are a more recent innovation and compliment the traditional float. The noodle, the long ‘spaghetti’ float, is arguably more versatile than the traditional float and has the advantage that it

can be used under the swimmer and without the need for the swimmer to hold it, so offering buoyancy while the swimmer uses both their arms.

The non-swimmer in the prone position (laying face-down in the water) will use the noodle under the chest and both armpits, with the chest and face buoyed and both arms free to do doggy, breast stroke or front paddle.

For swimmers on their back, the noodle can be used across their shoulder blades and under their armpits, again leaving the arms free to do backstroke.

Two noodles can be folded into shape to be used as a very effective figure-of-eight flotation aid.

The noodle can be held by the hands as required, for example when the swimmer is on their back, practicing leg movements.

The noodle is very versatile when playing too. They can be used to snare and collect items (see below) and ridden by swimmers holding one end with the noodle between the legs. They can be used to tow one or more swimmers (fun while developing leg movements) and in many team events with two swimmers joined by a noodle.